Our Classes

Sparrows Class  


Teachers in this class plan work following the Foundation Stage Curriculum which covers children being taught between the ages of three and five in all settings. The Reception class has very close links with Tibberton Early Years which is sited next to the Reception class. The children often work together and take trips together. The staff liaise and plan together to ensure there is a progression of skills across EYFS.


In Reception, themes for weekly planning are initiated by the children through their own ideas and play. 


Adults observe the children playing and accessing activities, and develop learning opportunities from these stimuli, ensuring coverage of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  Planning is therefore done on a weekly basis and letters are sent out to parents at the start of each week, explaining what learning focuses and activities the children will cover.

Our reception class teachers are  Mrs Bridgens (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon)  and Mrs Dockray (Thursday and Friday) supported by Mrs Penny Meredith and Mrs Clare Woodard .

Mrs Bridgens Mrs Dockray Mrs Meredith Mrs Woodard



Puffins Class  


Children move on from Sparrows class to Puffins in Year 1 or 2.  These two year groups are known as Key Stage One and they follow the National Curriculum of ten subjects. In this class the children continue to learn through play and their interests while developing their more formal learning skills. 

At the end of Year 2 the class teacher assesses the children in literacy and numeracy. The teacher may call upon information from any tests used but the KS1 levels they report are their assessment of the children’s work over the year. 


                     Puffins Class is taught by Mrs Blane and supported by Miss Hughes, and Mrs Woodard.

Puffins Class Curriculum Overview Autumn 2024

Puffins Class Curriculum Overview Spring 2025


Mrs Blane Miss Hughes Mrs Woodard

Eagles Class  


Eagles Class is for children in Year 5 and 6.

During Year 5 the children’s parents begin to think of which secondary school they want to choose, as any arrangements need to be made at the very start of the following year.

Year 6 children travel to the Isle of Wight for a week’s residential trip together with children from the other three schools in our cluster.

We have many school teams and enter many competitions and the children from this class have opportunities to represent the school in these teams. At the end of Year 6 the children take national tests, Key Stage 2 SATs, in literacy, numeracy and science.


Mrs Kitto (Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday am)  and Mrs Baldrey (Thursday and Friday)  teach in this class, supported by Mrs D Williams and Mrs A Williams.

Eagles Class Curriculum Overview Autumnn 2024

Eagles Class Curriculum Overview Spring 2025

Mrs Kitto Mrs Baldrey Mrs D Williams Mrs A Williams