
Wellbeing and Mental Health at Tibberton

We want everyone in our school community to feel that their mental and emotional wellbeing is as important to us as their physical health. A strength of our school is the caring community where staff, students and families feel supported at all times.

Our children benefit from weekly PSHE sessions that incorporate mindfulness, learning about mental health and helping our children to become emotionally literate.

Please do contact the school If you have any concerns about your child or if you need any additional support and we will do our best to guide you. 

If you do have concerns, these can be raised through your child’s class teacher. Alternatively, you can contact the headteacher, Mrs Sarah Wilson. 

If we have any concerns in school then we will communicate with you to work together to best support you and your child.

We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is paramount and that we all have a role to play. 

We have a dedicated Play Therapist - Naomi Murray  from Every Cloud Play Therapy - who visits the school and nursery every week to run play therapy sessions for children needing this support. 

These sessions are run within school and can be privately funded by parents as well as by school.

If you would like more information please visit the website  or contact the school office.


There are also online resources that can help.

Please click on these links for further information:

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

ELSA Network 

(Please see left for a leaflet explaining more about ELSA)

CAMHS/Young Minds Matter:

How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

If your child is struggling with sleep then this article from The Sleep Foundation offers some helpful tips:

Children and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Anna Freud:

For families | Anna Freud


Wellbeing resources for families | Place2Be

Wellbeing and Mental Health at Tibberton

We want everyone in our school community to feel that their mental and emotional wellbeing is as important to us as their physical health. A strength of Tibberton is it's caring community where children, staff and families all support and help one another.

If you have any concerns about your child or if you need any additional support, then please do contact the school and we will do our best to guide you. 


If you do have concerns, these can be raised through your child’s class teacher as normal.  Alternatively you can contact Mrs Wilson, the headteacher. 

If we have any concerns in school then we will communicate with you to work together to best support you and your child. 


There are also online resources that can help. Please click on these links for further information:

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

ELSA Network 

Lumi Nova

Lumi Nova is a free app for families living in Gloucestershire that supports children with anxiety using a friendly game intreface. 

CAMHS/Young Minds Matter:

How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

If your child is struggling with sleep then this article from The Sleep Foundation offers some helpful tips:

Children and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Anna Freud:

For families | Anna Freud


Wellbeing resources for families | Place2Be


Wellbeing and Mental Health at Tibberton

We want everyone in our school community to feel that their mental and emotional wellbeing is as important to us as their physical health. A strength of our school is the caring community where staff, students and families feel supported at all times.

Our children benefit from weekly PSHE sessions that incorporate mindfulness, learning about mental health and helping our children to become emotionally literate.

Please do contact the school If you have any concerns about your child or if you need any additional support and we will do our best to guide you. 

If you do have concerns, these can be raised through your child’s class teacher. Alternatively, you can contact the headteacher, Mrs Sarah Wilson. 

If we have any concerns in school then we will communicate with you to work together to best support you and your child.

We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is paramount and that we all have a role to play. 

We have a dedicated Play Therapist - Naomi Murray  from Every Cloud Play Therapy - who visits the school and nursery every week to run play therapy sessions for children needing this support. 

These sessions are run within school and can be privately funded by parents as well as by school.

If you would like more information please visit the website  or contact the school office.


There are also online resources that can help.

Please click on these links for further information:

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

ELSA Network 

(Please see left for a leaflet explaining more about ELSA)

CAMHS/Young Minds Matter:

How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

If your child is struggling with sleep then this article from The Sleep Foundation offers some helpful tips:

Children and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Anna Freud:

For families | Anna Freud


Wellbeing resources for families | Place2Be

Wellbeing and Mental Health at Tibberton

We want everyone in our school community to feel that their mental and emotional wellbeing is as important to us as their physical health. A strength of Tibberton is it's caring community where children, staff and families all support and help one another.

If you have any concerns about your child or if you need any additional support, then please do contact the school and we will do our best to guide you. 


If you do have concerns, these can be raised through your child’s class teacher as normal.  Alternatively you can contact Mrs Wilson, the headteacher. 

If we have any concerns in school then we will communicate with you to work together to best support you and your child. 


There are also online resources that can help. Please click on these links for further information:

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

ELSA Network 

Lumi Nova

Lumi Nova is a free app for families living in Gloucestershire that supports children with anxiety using a friendly game intreface. 

CAMHS/Young Minds Matter:

How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

If your child is struggling with sleep then this article from The Sleep Foundation offers some helpful tips:

Children and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Anna Freud:

For families | Anna Freud


Wellbeing resources for families | Place2Be