School Uniform

Our uniform policy was drawn up after consultation with parents and can be viewed  here.

 Uniform | Tibberton Community Primary School

Gooch Sports is our uniform provider and we are delighted to be able to confirm that all uniform is available to order online:

School Uniform Shop - Gooch Sports

Uniform can be delivered straight to your door for a small charge or Free to the school! We hope this helps everyone get what they want, when they want it. We do still have a small supply of items and are happy to check if something you want is in our stock before ordering.


School Uniform


Burgundy sweatshirt

Pale blue polo shirt

Flat heeled shoes in black, brown or navy

Medium grey, knee length school skirt or pinafore dress

Pale blue and white check or stripped dress

Medium grey straight leg trousers

Medium grey school short trousers

Plain grey or black socks


Pale blue t shirt

Plain navy shorts

Black daps for indoors

Trainers for outdoors

Plain navy relaxed joggers


Any style of sunhat for summer


No jewellery other than one set of stud earrings may be worn at school. Earrings must be removed for PE sessions and swimming.


A waterproof coat or fleece


Wellington boots (named), in a bag to hang on their pegs.  EYFS and KS1 need forest school waterproofs too (in a named bag).

School logo reading book folder – please name – these are available from Gooch Sports.

School Uniform

Our uniform policy was drawn up after consultation with parents and can be viewed  here.

 Uniform | Tibberton Community Primary School

Gooch Sports is our uniform provider and we are delighted to be able to confirm that all uniform is available to order online:

School Uniform Shop - Gooch Sports

Uniform can be delivered straight to your door for a small charge or Free to the school! We hope this helps everyone get what they want, when they want it. We do still have a small supply of items and are happy to check if something you want is in our stock before ordering.


School Uniform


Burgundy sweatshirt

Pale blue polo shirt

Flat heeled shoes in black, brown or navy

Medium grey, knee length school skirt or pinafore dress

Pale blue and white check or stripped dress

Medium grey straight leg trousers

Medium grey school short trousers

Plain grey or black socks


Pale blue t shirt

Plain navy shorts

Black daps for indoors

Trainers for outdoors

Plain navy relaxed joggers


Any style of sunhat for summer


No jewellery other than one set of stud earrings may be worn at school. Earrings must be removed for PE sessions and swimming.


A waterproof coat or fleece


Wellington boots (named), in a bag to hang on their pegs.  EYFS and KS1 need forest school waterproofs too (in a named bag).

School logo reading book folder – please name – these are available from Gooch Sports.

School Uniform

Our uniform policy was drawn up after consultation with parents and can be viewed  here.

 Uniform | Tibberton Community Primary School

Gooch Sports is our uniform provider and we are delighted to be able to confirm that all uniform is available to order online:

School Uniform Shop - Gooch Sports

Uniform can be delivered straight to your door for a small charge or Free to the school! We hope this helps everyone get what they want, when they want it. We do still have a small supply of items and are happy to check if something you want is in our stock before ordering.


School Uniform


Burgundy sweatshirt

Pale blue polo shirt

Flat heeled shoes in black, brown or navy

Medium grey, knee length school skirt or pinafore dress

Pale blue and white check or stripped dress

Medium grey straight leg trousers

Medium grey school short trousers

Plain grey or black socks


Pale blue t shirt

Plain navy shorts

Black daps for indoors

Trainers for outdoors

Plain navy relaxed joggers


Any style of sunhat for summer


No jewellery other than one set of stud earrings may be worn at school. Earrings must be removed for PE sessions and swimming.


A waterproof coat or fleece


Wellington boots (named), in a bag to hang on their pegs.  EYFS and KS1 need forest school waterproofs too (in a named bag).

School logo reading book folder – please name – these are available from Gooch Sports.